Our commitment in education.
Un/lab’s Europan Projects and calls. Our path to Europe.
One of our mail goals is to contribute to the growth of the educational sector at any level, even through transnational partnerships.
Un/lab is official partner of the following projects by which aim to achieve this goal.
Reimagine Distance Learning – Erasmus+

A project which aims to build the educational environment of the future.
EMPLOY.M.E.N.T. – EMPLOY Myself Enhancing My Natural Talent

A project for youth entrepreneurship.
CIRCLE – Circular Economy in Graphic Design

Professional training for design secondary schools.
BEcome ATTRACTIVE – Visual Literacy in adult education

A project which aims to promote digital transformation by enhancing the key competences of trainers and educators in the field of visual literacy.
VIRTUAL SENS: Virtual Reality in foreign languages for Special Education Needs Students in VET schools

This project aims to empower VET sector foreign language and CLIL teachers with practical VR skills, emphasizing benefits for SEN students.