
We creates links and synergies between professionals and enthusiasts from the field of communication, marketing and events development.

Via Orazio Tramontani, 52
06135 Ponte San Giovanni PG

©2025 Un/Lab S.n.c. | P.Iva 03735970547 | Credits | Tutela della privacy | Informativa sui cookie


Think oblique!

The less obvious solution is often the best
Un/Lab is a new, contemporary and inspired space.
A space that is the fruit of a vision, a dream, a desire.
A space that becomes a place where experiences, dreams, emotions meet and plan.
A space that creates links and synergies between professionals and enthusiasts from the field of communication, marketing and events development.
The space of new opportunities.

Lateral thinking is concerned not with playing with the existing pieces,
but with seeking to change those very pieces.
Edward De Bono

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